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Chemical Peels and Hydrofacials

Reveal Radiant Skin with Our Customized Treatments

Discover the transformative effects of our Chemical Peels and Hydrofacials at WIN, MD Health and Aesthetics. Our treatments are tailored to suit individual skin types and concerns, promoting a more youthful and vibrant appearance. Experience a deep cleanse, exfoliation, and nourishment under the care of our expert team. Don't wait to revitalize your skin and boost your confidence. Schedule your appointment today for healthier, radiant skin!

a woman with half of her face covered in a white mask

Benefits of Chemical Peels & Hydrofacials

Chemical Peels and Hydrofacials offer a plethora of benefits, including but not limited to, deep skin cleansing, effective exfoliation, targeted treatments, and increased hydration. One of the products we utilize in our procedures is the globally recognized VI-Peel, which is the #1 Chemical Peel for dermatologists, plastic surgeons, nurses, and estheticians worldwide.

This meticulously designed peel targets pigmentation, fine lines, acne, oily skin, and advanced aging skin through a painless, yet highly effective treatment. It's important to note that VI-Peel is only available through authorized clinicians like us. These quick and comfortable procedures provide transformative results, culminating in a radiant, youthful-looking complexion with no downtime.

  • Deep Cleansing for Clear Skin

    Chemical Peels and Hydrofacials deeply cleanse the skin, eliminating impurities, toxins, and excess oils. This process unclogs pores, reducing the occurrence of breakouts, blackheads, and acne. The result is clear, refreshed, and healthier-looking skin.

  • Effective Exfoliation

    These treatments effectively exfoliate the skin, removing dead skin cells and promoting cell turnover. This helps to smooth out fine lines, soften skin texture, and lighten hyperpigmentation, offering you a brighter, more youthful complexion.

  • Boosts Hydration

    Hydrofacials, in particular, infuse the skin with hydrating and nourishing serums, boosting your skin's moisture levels. This enhances skin elasticity, reduces dryness, and gives your skin a plump, dewy appearance.

  • Targets Specific Concerns

    Both Chemical Peels and Hydrofacials can be customized to address individual skin concerns such as signs of aging, uneven skin tone, or acne scarring. They offer targeted treatments for optimal results, making them a valuable part of any skincare routine.

  • Fast and Comfortable Procedure

    These treatments are non-invasive and generally painless, providing maximum results with minimal discomfort. They require no downtime, meaning you can enjoy immediate benefits and return to your daily activities straight away.

Our Process For Chemical Peels and Hydrofacials

The process of Chemical Peels and Hydrofacials involves four steps: a personalized consultation and skin analysis, thorough skin preparation, treatment application tailored to your needs, and a post-treatment care regimen. These steps ensure optimal results for healthier, radiant skin.

  • 1. Consultation and Analysis

    The first step in the process of Chemical Peels and Hydrofacials is a thorough consultation and skin analysis. Our licensed professionals will discuss your specific skin concerns and goals, examine your skin type, and analyze its current condition. This allows us to design a treatment plan that is custom tailored to your needs, ensuring optimal results.

  • 2. Skin Preparation

    Prior to the actual treatment, your skin will be properly cleansed and prepped. This involves removing any makeup, oil, or dirt on the surface of your skin. For chemical peels, a pre-treatment solution may be applied to prepare the skin for the peel.

  • 3. Treatment Application

    Depending on the chosen treatment, either a chemical peel solution or hydrating serums will be applied to your skin. In the case of a chemical peel, the solution will exfoliate dead skin cells and stimulate new cell growth. For a hydrofacial, a device will be used to infuse serums into your skin while simultaneously extracting impurities.

  • 4. Post-Treatment Care

    After the treatment, a post-care regimen will be recommended to enhance and prolong the effects of the treatment. This may include specific skincare products, sun protection, and hydration tips. We ensure to guide our clients through this post-care routine to maintain the health and radiance of their skin.

a woman is getting eyelash extensions in a beauty salon .

Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions about Chemical Peels and Hydrofacials? Our FAQ section provides detailed answers to common queries. From the treatment process, benefits, to aftercare, we cover everything you need to know about these transformative skin treatments. Dive in to learn more!

  • How long does each treatment take and is there any downtime?

    Both Chemical Peels and Hydrofacials are relatively quick treatments, typically taking about 30-60 minutes per session. The great thing about these treatments is that they require minimal to no downtime. You can usually return to your regular activities immediately after the treatment. However, your skin might be more sensitive to the sun, so applying sunscreen is crucial.

  • What kind of post-treatment care is required?

    After a Chemical Peel or Hydrofacial, it's important to keep your skin hydrated and protected from the sun. You should avoid exfoliating your skin for a few days after the treatment and use a gentle cleanser. A hydrating serum and a good-quality sunscreen are also recommended. Your skincare professional will provide detailed post-treatment care instructions to ensure the best results and a smooth recovery.

  • Are Chemical Peels and Hydrofacials painful?

    Most clients find Chemical Peels and Hydrofacials to be quite comfortable. During a chemical peel, you might feel a slight stinging or tingling sensation as the solution is applied, but this subsides quickly. With Hydrofacials, the process is often described as a gentle massage-like feeling. Some minor redness can occur after either treatment, but it usually subsides within a few hours. The treatments are designed to be efficient and comfortable, providing maximum results with minimal discomfort.

Before and After Treatment Gallery

Our Suite of Personalized Health and Aesthetic Treatments

WIN, MD Health and Aesthetics offers a comprehensive suite of personalized treatments, including advanced skin care, hair removal, medical hair loss solutions, hormone replacement, and weight loss therapies. We also provide innovative wellness solutions like IV Hydration and Vitamin therapy, pain management, sexual wellness, and Ketamine therapy, dedicated to empowering you to embrace your inherent beauty and health.

a woman with a towel wrapped around her head is looking at her face in the mirror .

Rediscover Youthful Firmness with PDO Thread Lift

Experience the transformative power of our PDO Thread Lift service, a non-invasive alternative to traditional facelifts. This innovative procedure harnesses your body's natural collagen production to tighten and lift sagging skin, providing a youthful rejuvenation without the need for surgery. Take the first step towards a revitalized, more youthful appearance today - Schedule your PDO Thread Lift consultation now!

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